Are Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) harmful?
Recently, there has been a lot of discussion in the media about the potential harm caused by Electromagnetic Fields (EMF), including that associated with our cell phones.
What exactly are these effects? It depends on who you ask, but the truth is, we don't really know yet. If you want to find out more about EMFs and why so many people are concerned, continue reading!
Many experts agree that there could be health risks associated with EMF exposure. Let's examine it more closely.
Effects of radiation on nerves have been the subject of intensive study ever since nerve changes were first detected in animals and electrical properties in the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 1960s. Radiation is also reported to have effects on the central nervous system, brain chemistry, and brain tissue, and the blood-brain barrier.
What are the health concerns of being exposed to too much EMF?

So what are EMF exposure limits in the USA?
In the USA, the FCC limits EMF exposure to 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg). There is a safety margin built into the FCC exposure limits for all wireless devices sold in the United States. As technological devices have become an important part of daily life, their deleterious effects on the body, especially the nervous system, are well known.
Magnetic fields (EMFs) have various chemical effects, such as deteriorating large molecules in cells and disrupting ionic equilibrium. It is essential for life, but oxygen molecules can produce hazardous by-products, known as reactive oxygen species (ROS), during biological reactions. Reactive oxygen species can damage cellular components, including proteins, lipids, and DNA.

Since a developing child's brain is vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation, caregivers are increasingly concerned about the health effects of EMFs.
There are two categories of EMF exposure: extremely low frequencies (ELFs; 3-3,000 Hz), which affect high-voltage transmission lines and in-house wiring; and very high frequencies (VHFs; 16-30,000 Hz); the biological effects of EMFs on humans range from stimulatory, thermal, and nonthermal, the latter of which is the least studied.
EMFs include mobile phones, smart devices, base stations, WiFi, and 5G technologies. Among the various health issues related to electromagnetic fields, the most significant one is human carcinogenicity. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) rated ELFs and RFs as possible human carcinogens (Group 2B) in its evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans.
In January 2018, California became the first state in the U.S. to pass legislation limiting public exposure to cell phone emissions from schools and daycare centers.
In addition, some companies offer EMF blocking products designed to shield people from these emissions. What is a high EMF reading? Experts recommend keeping your body safe by limiting your cell phone use while children under six should not be using them at all.
How to Reduce EMF Exposure
In general, wireless products emit the most EMF energy when you are using them to talk to someone. The closer the device is to you, the more energy you will absorb.
- Don't spend too much time on your cell phone.
- Using speaker mode, headphones, or earbuds will allow you to place more distance between your phone and your head.
- Cell phones tend to boost RF transmission power when the signal is weak, so do not make calls when the signal is weak.
- Rather than talking, consider texting
- Use anti-radiation products for all your devices